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Mounjaro Vs Trulicity: Which is Right For You?

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) and Trulicity (dulaglutide) are drugs used for treating Type 2 diabetes and are prescribed off-label for weight loss. 

Manufactured by Eli Lilly, they both involve a weekly injection and target the GLP-1 receptors, which curb hunger and make you feel fuller and faster for longer. 

So what makes them different? And which one is better for weight loss? 

In This article we will compare Mounjaro Vs Trulicity to help you understand which option is right for you.

Mounjaro Vs Trulicity

Comparing Mounjaro and Trulicity For Weight Loss

In the recent Surmount-1 clinical trials, participants that took Mounjaro reported a mean percentage weight change of -15% at week 72. The results supported that those on Mounjaro lost between 25 and 50 lbs after 72 weeks. 

These results supported a statistically significant weight loss for Eli Lilly, who continued with their next clinical trials on Mounjari as a weight-loss treatment.

Trulicity clinical trials revealed that some patients did lose weight, with an average weight loss of 8.4 lb for Trulicity 3.0 mg. 

However, these results were not statistically significant, while study participants at 1.5 mg lost on average 6.6 lb, and those at 4.5 mg lost on average -10.1 lb. Weight loss was reported to be sustained at 52 weeks.

Although both show promise as weight-loss drugs, Mounjaro shows the most statistically significant weight-loss promise in clinical trials. However, it is worth noting that both drugs are prescribed off-label for weight loss. This means that although both drugs have FDA approval, they still are yet to be approved for use as a weight loss aid.

Clinical Trials

Which Has Been Around Longer, Mounjaro or Trulicity?

Trulicity was first FDA-approved in 2014 as a treatment for type-2 diabetes. It was later approved in February 2020 to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications like heart attacks or strokes in adults with type 2 diabetes. 

Higher doses were approved in September 2020, showing further promise in weight loss and reduced blood sugar levels. 

Mounjaro was first approved as a type 2 diabetes treatment in May 2022. Studies are underway to test its efficacy in weight loss and reducing plaque build-up in patients with atherosclerosis.

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How Are Mounjaro and Trulicity Different?

Mounjaro targets the GLP-1 and GIP receptors, while Trulicity targets only GLP-1. The GIP receptor is a hormone that helps with meal digestion. It works with GLP-1 to help promote insulation secretion, regulate blood glucose levels, and helps with fat metabolism. 

It also aids the slow down in digestion of your meals, which might help you feel fuller and more satisfied for longer. Studies support that GLP-1 and GIP work together in the body to help monitor insulin levels, which could make Mounjaro a more effective treatment for obesity than Trulicity.

Digestive System

Mounjaro Vs Trulicity: How Do They Work?

Weight-loss drugs mimic the actions of hormones in the gut that are normally released after you eat. The hormones manage your blood sugar levels by slowing down the speed at which your body releases sugar and increasing the rate at which your pancreas produces insulin. 

Both Mounjaro and Trulicity do this by targeting the body’s GLP-1 receptors. Monjauro additionally mimics the effect of the hormone GIP.

Mounjaro has a dual effect compared to Trulicity, which targets two of the body’s insulin-controlling hormones. 

This is effective as it mimics two of the body’s naturally occurring glucose control mechanisms. A study in Cardiovascular Diabetology shows that 38% of individuals using tirzepatide reported blood sugar levels in nondiabetic ranges and significant weight loss.

It is the dual effect of GLP-1 and GIP that sets Mounjaro apart from Trulicity. Instead of simply helping your body increase its insulin production, Mounjaro actually increases a patients sensitivity to insulin. This helps patients achieve a healthy AC1 reading faster and increases the rate of weight loss.


Mounjaro Vs Trulicity: Side Effects

Both drugs have a fairly similar set of side effects, including:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Indigestion
  • Hair Loss


Mounjaro has a minimal risk of gallbladder problems, while Trulicity’s severe risks include thyroid tumors, although both side effects are incredibly rare. Both drugs have similar and minimal side effects. Eli Lilly states the limitations of both drugs as unsuitable for treating type 1 diabetes or for use if you have pancreatitis. 

Difference in Dosage Between Mounjaro and Trulicity 

Trulicity has a starting dosage of 0.75 mg, with a maximum recommended dosage of 4.5 mg as a weekly injection. Mounjaro has a higher starting dosage of 2.5 mg, and the maximum dosage is 15 mg. While this has no significance on whether the treatment is more effective, the clinical trials revealed that individuals on the higher doses of medication showed a more promising weight loss, which is why Mounjaro is prescribed at a higher dosage.

medical cost

Cost Comparison of Mounjaro and Trulicity 

Mounjaro costs approximately $1,023.04 per fill without insurance, while Trulicity costs around $930.88. Trulicity is a slightly older drug, while Mounjaro has only recently entered the market as a type 2 diabetes treatment, which might explain the higher cost.

With Mounjaro-covered insurance, four pens can cost $25 a month, with prescriptions of up to 3-months possible. Trulicity insurance providers tend to cost patients between $0-$30 a month, making it the cheaper of the two weight loss drugs.

Mounjaro Vs Trulicity: Medical Information

The medical information provided by Trulicity and Mounjaro is similar, but with some notable exceptions: 

  • It is recommended to explore different birth control options when using Mounjaro, as oral contraception may not be as effective.
  • Mounjaro also lists a symptom as decreased appetite, which is not on the instructions for Trulicity.
  • Mounjaro caused cancer in a percentage of rats, rendering a need for a warning of possible thyroid tumors a serious side effect. There is no record of this happening in humans.
  • Mounjaro is recommended as a type 2 diabetes treatment for adults over the age of 18, while Trulicity is recommended for children of ten years of age and up.


As a newer drug, Mounjaro has more warnings and disclaimers, while Trulicity was approved in 2014 for treating diabetes. There are currently 104 trials listed for Trulicity (dulaglutide), with less than half of this under tirzepatide.

Take Away of Mounjaro Vs Trulicity 

Mounjaro is a medication that works by dual mechanisms of GLP-1 and GIP to help manage blood sugar levels and promote weight loss. Clinical studies have shown that it can be more effective than Trulicity in achieving these goals. 

Additionally, Ozempic (Semaglutide) is another option for those looking to lose weight. For a deeper understanding, check out our article comparing Ozempic and Mounjaro.

However, it’s important to remember that every person’s medical needs are different, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

It’s important to consult with a medical professional to determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs. 

They can help you understand the benefits and potential risks of Mounjaro and guide you in making an informed decision about your treatment options.

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Laura Zajdel, NP, has been helping patients lose weight, get healthier and feel younger for over 15 years.

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